Here we explain in detail all the important aspects of correctly creating the files and processing the slides.
1.) Create file - DTF Normal & Blockout
All files must be created exactly within the specified format. When sold by the meter, the format is 56 x 100 cm. There is no need to take into account any additional trimming as we will then add it automatically. This allows full use of the maximum area. This procedure also applies to A3 and A4 formats. The files may not be mirrored. We print CMYK and RGB very precisely. White must be created as white and transparent areas will not be printed. All areas must have 100% coverage.
3.) Processing - DTF Normal & Blockout
- Pressing temperature: 135°C
- Pressing time: 12 seconds
- Pressing pressure: medium pressure/4-5 bar
- Also possible with an iron.
- Hot peelable
No guarantee, independent test procedures are recommended.
5.) Create file - DTF free size
It is important to ensure that the uploaded file corresponds exactly to the dimension that is entered. This means that the motifs must be processed up to the very edge of the surface. Otherwise the subject will be distorted.
6. ) Storage
DTF transfers can be stored without any problem. However, care must be taken to ensure that the storage location is dry and dark to maintain the quality of the transfers.
5. ) Waschanleitung
Beim DTF-Druck (Direct-to-Film) sollte die erste Wäsche des Textils frühestens 48 Stunden nach dem Druck erfolgen. Diese Wartezeit ermöglicht es der Tinte und dem Pulverkleber, vollständig auszuhärten und sich optimal mit dem Gewebe zu verbinden.
Hier sind zusätzliche Tipps, um die Haltbarkeit zu maximieren:
1. Waschtemperatur: Wasche das Textil bei maximal 30–40 °C.
2. Schonwaschgang: Verwende einen schonenden Waschgang und drehe das Kleidungsstück auf links.
3. Kein Weichspüler: Vermeide die Verwendung von Weichspüler, da dieser die Druckqualität beeinträchtigen kann.
4. Kein Trockner: Lasse das Textil lufttrocknen, um den Druck zu schützen.